Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Livingroom Hush

The last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster. First I get word that my sister will give birth to her baby any day now - a good two, three weeks ahead of schedule. Everybody's fine, it's very exciting, and I'm waiting for the call. Also, I'm getting some work done, I'm taking care of business - and damnit if not spring is in the air. But then, yesterday, I get another call instead - my dad informing me that my grandma has passed away.

It didn't come as a shock, she had been weak and ill for quite some time; a sudden pneumonia took her out in less than a day. Still, there's the inevitable sorrow, the loss, and for me in particular a frustration over the fact that I can't be there for my parents, my grandfather, and the rest of my family, since all of them are miles and miles away from where I am, and I don't have any family members close by. So when my grandfather - like my grandmother a carefree, stormy bon vivant - picked up his accordion and played her one last song, I wasn't there. When my father opened up the 20 year old whiskey and saluted her, I wasn't there. And that stuff sticks, you know?

So picture this: in two weeks time, I'm getting off the plane from attending a wedding in London, only to get on the train bound for a funeral, after which I pop over to my sis to say hello to her newborn baby girl. That's life, right there.


At 5:39 AM, Blogger Eric Henderson said...

My belated sympathies.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condolences. Congratulations. And cheers, mate.

Hope you don't mind my stumbling in with a word or two.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Martin Degrell said...

Eric, thanks. Appreciate it.

spypunk, thanks. Also: long time no see. Where the hell have you been? Anyway, I'm glad you've found this blog nonsense - keep checking in from time to time. Who knows, I might just write something worth reading one of these days.

At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been around. Working, losing jobs, finding jobs again, losing it again, taking a crack at making movies and all that nonsense.

Will be a regular to this joint, that's for sure.


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